The Start of the Beginning - Part 1
TRIGGER WARNING: this blog details arrest, resuscitation and medical procedures which readers may find triggering and distressing. On June 12, 2019 we welcomed our second son Timothy into the world, by planned caesarean at 39 weeks. The start was promising, he was alert and curious and vocal, weighing in at a solid 8lb 3oz. My pregnancy had been uncomplicated, despite flying to Australia and New Zealand around 25 weeks for a fortnight, suffering unbearable and persistent Braxton Hicks from 21 weeks, awful itching of the soles of my feet and palms of my hands, and two occurrences of "elephant foot" which earned me lots of poking and prodding, hours on the hard seats of A&E and MAU, two scans for thromboses, and shots of Clexane. Mental health is another post all of its own. After experiencing a very non-vocal baby when our first son Christopher was born by emergency caesarean, it was quite the shock to hear this little guy expressing himself. Whilst adjusting to the...